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This doc will teach you how to input your Expenses data into Cash Compass. This will include:

  1. Creating a new Category
  2. Creating a new Transaction
    1. Creating with a form
    2. Historical recommendations
    3. Creating with voice input

Creating a new Category

  1. Open the Expenses menu in the top navigation bar and click on the New Category link.
  2. Fill out the create Category form.
Field NameUsage
LabelHelps you identify the category.
  1. Click the Create button.

Creating a new Transaction


Don't worry, all fields can be updated later, so if you don't fill out all the fields accurately, you can always come back and update them.

Creating with a form

  1. Open the Expenses menu in the top navigation bar and click on the New Transaction link.
    • If you're on mobile, you can also click on the + icon in the bottom center of the screen.
  2. Fill out the create Transaction form.
Field NameUsage
Transaction DateThe date of the transaction (defaults to today).
AmountThe cost of the transaction.
CategoryThe category the transaction belongs to.
DescriptionHelps you identify the transaction.
  1. Click the Create button.

Historical recommendations

As you fill out the form, you'll notice text appear under each of the fields. This is data from a transaction you've previously entered that our AI thinks is closest to what you're entering. As you fill out more fields, the recommendations will become more accurate. If you click on the text, it will fill out the field with the data from the transaction.

The recommendations are based on the following fields:

  • Amount
  • Description
  • Day of week
  • Day of month
  • Category

Creating with voice input

  1. Open the Expenses menu in the top navigation bar and click on the New Transaction link.
    • If you're on mobile, you can also click on the + icon in the bottom center of the screen.
  2. Click on the red circle record button iat the top of the form.
  3. Say a phrase describing your transaction, such as I spent $3.50 at my favorite coffee shop.
  4. Click the same button which is now a square stop button.
  5. After a few seconds, the form will be filled out with the data from your voice input.

Key notes:

  1. The voice input will try to parse out the amount, description, and category from your phrase. If the transaction was on a different day, you must change the date field.
  2. You can also say things like I split a $42.49 restaurant bill with my three friends and it will know to divide the amount by 4 and fill out the description with Split restaurant bill with friends.


If you go to a coffee shop every morning and buy a coffee for $3.50, you'll notice that after you type in the Amount field, the Category field will show Coffee and the Description field will show My Favorite Coffee Shop. If you click on the text, it will fill out the field with the data from the transaction.