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v0.3.0 Release Notes


We're thrilled to announce the release of Cash Compass v0.3.0, a version that while lacking of new features, enhances the quality and performance of Cash Compass. We took this release to identify a few (okay, a lot) of areas where we could improve the quality of our application and infrastructure, and we're excited to share the results with you.



  • Staging Environment Setup: Implemented a complete staging environment to mirror production, enabling thorough testing and quality assurance before our monthly releases. Issue #30
  • Dependency Audit: Reviewed and updated dependencies to secure and optimize our application's performance (this was actually a huge undertaking, and the app is in a much better place after!) Issue #19

Pushed to Next Release

  • Account Balances Graph Timelines: Enhancements to account balances graph timelines for improved user insights and data visualization. Issue #20

Bug Fixes

No bug fixes were included in this release.



  • Testing Audit: Conducted an audit of our testing strategies to identify and address gaps, ensuring comprehensive coverage and making sure we're testing the right things in the right ways. Issue #18
  • Code Organization Rehaul: Overhauled our code organization to improve maintainability, readability, and scalability of our application's codebase. Issue #12

Looking Ahead

We found a ton of value in focusing on quality over new features in this release, so we will continue this momentum in our next release. We will further expand our testing strategy, establish operational best practices, and tackle key bugs and performance issues to continue enhancing the Cash Compass experience.

Getting Started with v0.3.0

Ready to use the latest version of Cash Compass? Check it out at Cash Compass.


For any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Thank you for choosing Cash Compass!